Friday, December 27, 2019

As the Eve of Revolution Neared, to What Extent Had the...

The span of years from 1750 to 1776 were some of the most important years in American history. Up until the eve of the revolution, the British were still very involved in American lifestyle and there was no unity among the colonies. However, as the eve of revolution neared and harsh acts, salutary neglect, and lack of representation was implied on the colonies by their mother country England, America built a great sense of unity and a sense of identity as a country. The American colonies were very troubled by England before unifying and battling for their freedom. Examples of this were the many acts enforced upon the colonists. The Stamp act, introduced by British prime minister George Grenville in 1765, was established as a means of†¦show more content†¦This meeting shows cooperation throughout the colonies. When Benjamin Franklins Plan of Union(Doc A.) was refused by colonial legislatures, it showed that Americans could support and represent themselves and did not need re presentation in British parliament. An example of this is shown in Edmund Burkes Notes for Speech in Parliament which said Govern America as you govern and English town which happens not to be represented in Parliament? They did not feel that they should be governed by a power that did not care for the best of their daughter country. When one colony fell of struggled, the others were there to pick them back up. This is shown in the Contributors of Donations for the relief of Boston. Several colonies donated things such as hundreds of bushels of Indian corn and rye from Connecticut, hundreds of sheep from Massachusetts, Cash and articles of provision from New Jersey, Sloop with provisions and more money from North Carolina, and a shipload of rice from South Carolina. This shows the support and unity America began to develop as a whole. The colonists were no longer English colonists. Hector St. Crevecouer, in his Letters from an American Farmer, states What then is the American, this new man? He is neither an European, or the descendant of an European, hence that strange mixture of blood which you will find in no other country. I could point out to you a family whose grandfather was an Englishman, whose wife was Dutch, whose son

Thursday, December 19, 2019

What Does Transgender Mean Essay - 1452 Words

Considering the rise in different branches of civil rights, we see a neo wave of citizens wanting a fix to the social injustices within our country. Specifically for the LGBTQ movement, we see an increase of people being active and supportive to combat a patriarchal and gender binary society. For example, the recent yet, prevalent argument about same sex marriage. In addition to many people who died, were publicly humiliated, physically and or sexually abused because of their sexual preferences or gender identity. As for transgendered people, they are often ridiculed and are victims of offensive behavior by people who feel that they are entitled to know about that person’s life. Even when the subject knows they are being offensive and that the other feels uncomfortable, they submerge themselves into their personal space anyway. In order to avoid this ignorance, we must research and educate ourselves about these issues. What does transgender mean essentially? Transgender is a person who feels that the gender they were born with, is not the one that they identify themselves with. Despite contrary belief, they are real authentic people and deserve treatment as such. We need to respect them as individuals, respect everyone s right to privacy, and encourage them to fall in love with themselves holistically. How did the word transgender become existent in society? Well, our society is not only patriarchal but it supports a gender binary system. For example, the term ladies andShow MoreRelatedWhy Suicide Is An Epidemic Of The United States891 Words   |  4 PagesStates; especially when 41% of transgender individuals have attempted suicide compared 1.6% of the general population (Gay Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). Due to this, the question of whether or not transgender youth have a harder, more straining adolescence than their cisgender counterparts rises. Although adolescence can be hard on everyone, experiences such as a school environment, puberty, laws that guarantee protection, family and social acceptance of transgender youth are harder than thoseRead MoreThe World Of Athletics Has Been Built Around A Binary View1634 Words   |  7 Pagesgetting stuck in the middle. There is a growing social acceptance of transgender and intersex individuals in society, however, when it co mes to sport these individuals are often left isolated on an island of controversy. The majority of this controversy surrounds the debate of whether or not transgender and intersex females should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. Society does not have a problem with the integration of transgender and intersex athletes in male sports because, due to biologicalRead MoreComparing Intersex And Transgender Females Deserve A Place Of Belonging1398 Words   |  6 PagesIntersex and transgender females deserve a place of belonging in the world of sport. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Managing Diversity and Equal Oppurtunity

Question: Describe about the Managing Diversity And Equal Oppurtunity? Answer: In todays world Harassment and Bullying have become a regular issue in almost all institutions and organizations. It is a regular issue that is observed in our daily society today. Hundreds of people are to be the victim of harassment and bullying at their workplace today. Harassment and Bullying is reported to be an offence which has become a part of our daily life today. Harassment includes a wide range of offensive behaviour within its scope. It basically means disturbing a person without any reason with the intention of hurting or making that person upset. Such a disturbance is repetitive in nature (DICKINSON, 2012). It is a continuing process to make a person affected emotionally or mentally. In legal sense, it is a type of behaviour which can be said to have constituted threatening or disturbing. Harassment is generally of various types. It can be either of psychological harassment or religious harassment or sexual or racial harassment etc. On the other hand Bullying can be defined as the application of force or coercion or intimidation on some other person. It has to be remembered that such behaviour is repetitive in nature. Bullying can vary from being simple to complex where we can find wingman present therein to help the primary person is his bullying activities (Bussmann, Panz and Schweighofer, n.d.). Recent report shows that a lot of bullying and harassment takes place in educational institutions and workplaces. According to the Equality Act 2000, an undesired action related to the pertinent fortified character which generally aims at violating an individuals personal dignity and frightening or making a situation hostile or degrading so humiliating for that individual. Harassment and bullying consist of various activities which may include either direct bullying or indirect bullying. Direct Bullying includes activities like pinching appreciation of an individual, exhibiting unofficial or offensive pictures, unroll rumors about an individual or cracking jokes or prank on a person etc (Cousins, 2012). Indirect Bullying or harassment may include the action like making a person work overtime even if not necessary, creating abstract situations for work, marginalizing or biasing or isolating a person etc. According to the law in force, an employer is responsible for any such act of harassment or bullying that takes place in his workplace or with his employees unless it is seen that reasonable measures were taken by the employer. Such a connection has been developed in accordance to the Law of Tort which states that the employer has a vicarious liability towards his employees. Both Bullying and Harassment are considered to be criminal offence in the eyes of law. Anti-bullying laws have been framed to fight with Bullying and Harassment. Harassment and Bullying at workplace are governed by the Fair Work Act 2009, from Sections 789FA-789FI. In order to curb out harassment and bullying from an organization, it is the duty of the employers and the management to jointly work on it (Elias, 2013). Manager in Human Resource is generally responsible for governing the environment of work in an organization. Executive Summary: An organizational Culture means the way in which the employees as well as the employers relate to each other and there way of treating each other in comparison to other organizations. It is the shared values, assumptions, ideas which regulate the behaviour of the people in an organization. An organizations culture has a great impact on the working environment. If we critically analyze this point, we would see that a company is known by the work culture it maintains (Kummerow and Kirby, 2014). While employing a person into the company, good knowledge of that persons background should be taken into knowledge. The accurate knowledge of an employee is required because by employing a wrong person into the company, the entire reputation of the company can be at stake. Again at the same time, if we separately analyze, an individuals behaviour within the company is also very much important to maintain a healthy environment. If a single individuals behaviour is hurting other employees, then a utomatically it will affect the environment at large and will not be restricted within two or three person (Kummerow, Kirby and Ying, n.d.). For example: If an individual in a company sexually tries to abuse a female employee of that company, if such an issue is brought before the company, then it would spread like fire and if media comes to know about the fact, the reputation of the company would be at stake for one person default. In the same way if the working structure of the company is not strategically framed like if more than required power is giving in one persons hand, then there would be chances to misuse his power and centralization of power would amount to exploitation among other employees. This centralization of power creates grievances in other employees mind and as such in that manner harassment and bullying policies is adopted by the employees to break the centralization policies of the company. Introduction: To run any organization basic few things are required to be taken into consideration for creating anti-harassment policies. Today developed countries have taken up different policies to stop harassment at workplaces and new laws are being framed by the legislation in that regards (Heyser, 2010). Yet third world countries have still not recognized this as a major issue and hence are not working on it (Lester, 2013). Before framing in an anti-harassment policy conditions like work process, human resource development, inter-relationship between employers and employees are different points needed to be given a look. An anti-harassment policy should consist of management training event, awareness event for staffs, regular mental health checkup for employees, formation of a committee with selective people significant in handling sensitive issues like harassment and bullying etc. Appropriate strategy to combat bullying: Bullying generally takes place behind closed doors where there are no witnesses to testify the bully and there is no evidence available against the individual who is guilty (Einarsen, 2003). In order to deal with bullying at work, the following comprehensive strategies can be taken: Firstly, a thorough evaluation of the nature of bullying should be done in such a way that the individual who is being bullied regains his control over himself/herself; It is very essential to understand that if I am being bullied at, then, it is not me who is at fault. Rather the one doing the act is guilty and hence the shame and anger should be his and not mine.; Secondly, a proper action plan should be framed so that the one who is being the bully can be trapped in his own acts (Nunn, 2010). Reports and journals should be accessed regularly which notify people of the bullying acts across the globe; Thirdly, a proper action should be taken to combat the problem. One needs to remember that bullying is nothing but an obsessive impulse of an individual which often takes the shape of a recurring behavior in order to disturb the mental peace of another individual. Role of HRM in combating Bullying: In most of the instances, it is seen that the Human Resource Managers are reluctant to solve the issues of workplace bullying (Piehl, 2009). This results in the target employees from turning down and losing their jobs as well as their rights in the matter. The Human Resources Managers should address workplace bullying in the following ways: They should create a zero tolerance policy; There should be proper implementations of procedures that would investigate and address the issues of workplace bullying; They should try to arrange for training sessions that will train the employees on combating bullying; They are also supposed to call upon the bullies and make them accountable for their acts; The employees who are being bullied should be heard by them and they should be given mental and emotional support; The basic requirement on their part is to remain empathetic and listen to the issues with concern; Being associated with the Human Resources, they should try to remain as leading examples; They are supposed to constantly work in such a way that they succeed in creating a bully free organization; Finally, they are also bestowed with the responsibility of raising awareness about the matters related to workplace bullying through newsletters, blogs and other such anti bullying events. Legal framework of Bullying: In dealing with the matters of bullying, generally, two different hurdles are faced by any organization (Einarsen, 2011). Firstly, it is required that the victim needs to prove that peer-to-peer harassment claims are properly established. Secondly, it is required that the victim has to clear the immunities which are there in the hands of the public agencies and the officials who work in the official capacity. The different jurisdictions across the globe have different guidelines to address the issue of bullying. We shall rely on the discussion of the points of Natural Justice. Under the principles of natural justice, harassing an individual and disturbing him in his workplace is totally against the law. One generally has a right to be protected at his/her workplace, has the right to be heard in case he is being harassed, and has the right to have confidentiality when his case is being adjudicated or looked at (Minton, 2014). These principles can never be swayed from and one must rely on these requirements irrespective of age, sex or race. It is the responsibility of the Human Resource Managers to see that these requirements are met by in the organization under question. Recommendations to stop Bullying: A comprehensive three step bully rehab plan can be taken to curb this problem at the earliest. This is being given as follows: Identify the bully and find out a solution: this way one can find out what exactly the bully wants and why is he doing certain acts. Once this is identified, a person will be able to find out if the bully is doing the things intentionally or if he is doing it just by chance (NIELSEN, 2012). Remedial steps like talking to the bully and coming across a viable solution for him can be an alternative of punishing the bully and giving him options to mend his ways. Putting an end on the enabling system: in this step, questions can be asked to the bully as to what he likes which will give an answer of their desired outcome while they be a bully. Further questions like how they feel when they are bullied will give answers like what is their stake on this issue. Gathering proof and showing what are the requirements and advantages of not bullying someone are helpful as one can understand the psychological backdrop of the bully and the happiness he gets upon bullying someone (Raum, 2008). Setting up a healthy system with boundaries: this step generally relates to the process of conflict resolution. In this step, one needs to explain why we are entering into the meeting process and what will be the outcome of the meeting once decided upon. Further, the observable data needs to be stated here where description of specific behaviors that qualify as bullying shall be discussed. The impact of these bullies should be properly discussed with the individuals and their ill effects should be discussed (Sanders, 1996). The problem needs to be checked and an acknowledgement of the same should be given. One can also plan a strategy where the bullies will be put up in a committee that tries to stop bullying. Thus shall be a reverse treatment for them and this will give a wider platform to address the issue. Lastly, measures can be taken to build up smaller agreements with the bullies and they can be lured towards not bullying by giving then incentive schemes or such other technique s. Conclusion: Today the world is moving too fast and with the world. Developments are taking place in all parts of the world. In order to ensure this developments to be effective for people, proper secured and safe environment should also be ensured. Only a healthy atmosphere can provide a person more self confidence to work. New policies and new grants in the anti-harassment and bullying matters are giving people more confidence to work and make their career and the world a better place to live in. References Bussmann, U., Panz, R. and Schweighofer, S. (n.d.).Organisational cultures. Cousins, S. (2012). A semiotic approach to mind and culture.Culture Psychology, 18(2), pp.149-166. DICKINSON, F. (2012). Fighting Culture with Culture.Diplomatic History, 36(4), pp.773-775. Elias, S. (2013).Deviant and criminal behavior in the workplace. New York: New York University Press. Heyser, M. (2010).Litigating the workplace harassment case. Chicago, Ill.: Tort Trial Insurance Practice Section, ABA. Kummerow, E. and Kirby, N. (2014).Organisational culture. New Jersey [u.a.]: World Scientific. Kummerow, E., Kirby, N. and Ying, L. (n.d.).Organisational culture. Lester, J. (2013).Workplace bullying in higher education. New York, NY: Routledge. Einarsen, S. (2003).Bullying and emotional abuse in the workplace. London: Taylor Francis. Einarsen, S. (2011).Bullying and harassment in the workplace. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Minton, S. (2014). Prejudice and effective anti-bullying intervention: Evidence from the bullying of minorities.Nordic Psychology, 66(2), pp.108-120. NIELSEN, M. (2012). Bullying in work groups: The impact of leadership.Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(2), pp.127-136. Nunn, K. (2010). Bullying.Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 46(4), pp.140-141. Piehl, N. (2009).Bullying. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Raum, E. (2008).Bullying. Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library. Sanders, P. (1996).Bullying. Brookfield, Conn.: Copper Beech Books.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wuthering Heights (530 words) Essay Example For Students

Wuthering Heights (530 words) Essay Wuthering HeightsSet in England on the Yorkshire Moors in the 19th century, Emily Bront?s novel Wuthering Heights is the story of lovers who try to withstand the separation of social classes and keep their love alive. The main characters, Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff grew up on a middle class English countryside cottage called Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff was the servant and Catherine the daughter of the owner of Wuthering Heights. As children, Heathcliff and Catherine were the best of friends, a friendship which turned to love with the coming of age. Catherine married a man of the upper class society and was forced to end her love affair with Heathcliff. Catherine was happy in her marriage at first but later became overwhelmed with her desire to be with Heathcliff. She was forced to distinguish the difference between her love for Heathcliff and her love for her new life with money. We will write a custom essay on Wuthering Heights (530 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the end, Catherine Earnshaw?s husband, Edgar Linton, died and Catherine finally realized that money and social class were not as fulfilling as her desire to have passion in her life, a desire which could only be met by Heathcliff. Throughout the book, Catherine tried to discover who she was and what exactly she wanted. In chapters 6 and 7, Catherine thought that she had finally discovered who she was and what she wanted. These chapters are the pinnacle of the story. It was the point in the book where the social classes were determined and Catherine?s love for Heathcliff was forced to be supressed. Heathcliff and Catherine were still young and playing together innocently one day. This was before Catherine became a member of the upperclass society and realized that she could not love Heathcliff because of his social class. Heathcliff and Catherine wandered beyond the secure gates of Wuthering Heights to a large estate owned by Edgar Linton called Thrushcross Grange. They spyed through one of the windows and were caught by Linton. Heathcliff managed to escape in time but Catherine injured herself and was taken in by Linton?s servants. Catherine stayed at Thrushcross Grange while Heathcliff return! ed to Wuthering Heights. She stayed at the estate for several weeks being nursed by Linton and his servants. The time she spent with Linton caused her to fall in love with him, causing her to permanently be separated from Heathcliff and the lower class life she used to know. Catherine became so absorbed in her new life that she forgot about Heathcliff and the pain he was feeling, until she realizes that there was something missing in her life. She finally knew that in order for her to become a whole person, she needed to be with her other half, Heathcliff. Although there are many different important messages in this novel, the main value is the changes which occur in and between the characters. It is a love story which deals with the social classes and the supression of true feelings. Wuthering Heights is a tragedy because of what happens when the characters finally discover what was truely meant to be. Wuthering Heights bestowes a moral value onto the reader of discrimination and true heart-break.