Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America Vs. Corporations Corporate Crime - 1359 Words

Sarah Maynard Dr. Osborn English 191 4 March 2016 America vs. Corporations Committing a corporate crime seems tempting at times, and the culprits usually feel as if their crime is justified. They justify their choice to steal from the company by assuming that the only person who would be affected is the CEO, or somebody that would not notice a dent in their hefty salary. However, it is naive to think of these types of crimes in a way that doesn’t adequately explain the ripple affect each crime has on society. The main goal of this proposal is to explain how corporate crimes affect not only those directly related to the company, but also how it affects families, friends, other companies, schools, and many others. In short, this research will lead into thinking about how corporate crimes affect people on a personal level, but also how to stop the crimes from happening in the first place. This study is important to note because many people who have never been directly affected by these crimes may not see how it ties into their o wn lives. It is a practical research study that will aid in educating the general public on these white collar crimes, which will in turn, lower the rate at which these crimes occur. Corporate crime is defined as a crime committed by a cooperation or by an individual person who is acting on behalf on an organization. There are many type of these crimes such as fraud, bribery, insider trading, tax evasion and one of the most popular forms,Show MoreRelatedCriminal Vs. Civil Law1055 Words   |  5 PagesCriminal vs Civil Law In this document, I will give definition to criminal and civil law and explain how corporate personhood allows for lawsuits to be filed in corporate America. 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